Best Answer: Click on Tools (in the menu), Select Internet Options, Click on the Security tab Click on the Custom Level button, Scroll down to Downloads Automatic prompting for file downloads[ or something like that] Click on Enable, Click OK. And the should be able to down load anything. My internet explorer will not download any files from the internet. It doesn't have anything to do with security settings because I turned them off completely and it still would not download.
- Ie Not Downloading Anything
- Internet Explorer Will Not Download Anything To Go
- Ie Will Not Download Files
- Internet Explorer Will Not Download Anything Free
- Internet Explorer Unable To Download Anything
- Cannot Download Anything Internet Explorer
Cannot Download File From Internet Explorer
The program and the file Contained a virus was Deleted
- My computer won't download anything from the internet. Ive changed my security settings for the internet to default settings - i have vista and internet explorer, and when I try to download it pretends to download but then it just disappears, I try to save to desktop or download folder and it isn't there it disappears.
- Oct 8, 2017 - Are you having trouble because your computer won't download. Account; Reset Internet Explorer; Use Windows Defender; Check for malware.
Microsoft Windows but are having problems downloading files from your server, you might need to enable file downloads in Internet Explorer.
I am not able to download anything from internet explorer or any other browser, i can under stand was was into my computer, i don’t have any virus so why it is shows ” the program and the file contained a virus and was deleted” i am wondered still i am not able to download anything and i don’t have any virus protection on my computer i had Norton but due to this problem i have deleted Norton.
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Solved Answer
Don’t worry we have the proper solution for this problem, there are lot of ways to get this type of problems, might be the windows update done into your computer but it was corrupted during installation, and might be have some problem due to which you tried to uninstall any antivirus or internet security program from your computer by using control panel uninstall option, this is not the correct way to uninstall any antivirus program from your computer, there is one thing which you have to keep in your mind carefully that when you would like to uninstall any antivirus program from your computer all the time use their proper removal tool for un-installation, every antivirus have the uninstaller utility comes with it, you can download it from their websites. The problem cannot download from internet explorer9might be the problem faced due to corrupted antivirus.
1. Open the task scheduler and remove all the tasks.
2. Change Internet Explorer security settings
This package installs the software (Realtek LAN driver) to enable the following device. Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller; Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller. Jul 27, 2017 - Download Realtek PCIe FE GBE Family Controller Series Driver 7.110 for Windows 7. OS support: Windows 7. Category: Audio. Oct 6, 2018 - Realtek PCIe FE GBE Family Controller Series Driver is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. Realtek PCIe FE / GBE / 2.5G / Gaming Ethernet Family Controller Software. Win7 and Server 2008 R2 Auto Installation Program (SId:627927749). Realtek pcie fe/gbe family controller driver windows 7 download. Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller – the driver for gigabit network. This package of drivers of Realtek befits both for a 32-bit and for 64-bit operating systems. “realtek gbe & fe ethernet pci-e nic driver” and not “Realtek PCIe GBE Family.
It is possible to change Windows Internet Explorer security settings. The following is how:
- Start Internet Explorer by clicking on the Start button . Inside the search box, type Internet Explorer, and after that, inside the report on results, click on Internet Explorer.
- Click on the Tools button , and after that click on Internet options.Click on the Security tab, and after that perform a number of the following below steps:
- To modify configuration settings for your security zone, click on the zone icon, and after that slowly move the slider on the security level that you’d like for this zone.
- To make your individual security settings to get a zone, click on the zone icon, and after that click on Custom level.
In order to Restore all security levels recommended to their initial configuration settings, click on the Reset all zones to default level button.
2. Uninstall Recently installed windows update.
3. Uninstall AVG Antivirus, because may be have some problem in AVG dll files

Ie Not Downloading Anything
You should use their removal tool to uninstall any antivirus
Download >> AVG uninstall tool (if you are able to download from Google chrome)
If you will get the solution from this article , Give us the feedback.
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I cannot download anything from IE or firefox, i get a fake alert “unable to open any download, EVERY Download is determined to contain virus”
About a week ago or so, Internet Explorer 10 decided that it won't allow me to download anything. All download links just bounce real quick when clicked. Nothing else happens. No downloads dialog, no download popup, nothing.
So far (besides the usual reboot), I've checked the Temporary Internet Files (the only Google references I found that were even close to my symptoms had that as a solution) and temp paths to make sure they make sense. I've also cleared the cache. No change.
What else should I try?
Brian KnoblauchBrian Knoblauch1 Answer
Internet Explorer Will Not Download Anything To Go
Start -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Reset - see if that resolves.
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Ie Will Not Download Files
Also check for any malicious or buggy addons: Start -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Programs -> Addons - disable anything that is unsigned or not from Sun, Adobe, or Microsoft.